
Sunday, September 14, 2008

Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate

Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate

From the Inside Flap
"Throughout the country, educators and their critics are renewing the old debate over the faculty's preoccupation with research and its effects on the quality of teaching. On one campus after another, there are stirrings that seem to presage a willingness to think afresh about the criteria that determine tenure and measure the success of faculty careers.

Scholarship Reconsidered speaks directly to these issues and should enrich a growing debate that may have important consequences for higher education."—Derek Bok, Harvard University" Scholarship Reconsidered is a thoughtful and welcome addition to a growing conversation about teaching and research in the nation's universities. That conversation too readily evokes a dichotomous relation between two activities, one entailing the production of new knowledge and the other the dissemination of the old. This report from the Carnegie Foundation will, I hope, begin the long task of dispelling this polarity."—Donald Kennedy, Stanford University" Scholarship Reconsidered will provide a vital contribution to improved undergraduate instruction through its recognition of the necessary contribution of ?scholarship teaching.' The report accurately describes the dependence of collegiate instruction on scholarship in a manner which appreciate the strengths of American higher education and shows how to use these strengths to improve it."—Ernst Benjamin, American Association of University Professors" Scholarship Reconsidered is wise and sensible, a welcome constellation of virtues. It will be a greatly influential guide to people who care about teaching and learning in the United States today."—Catherine R. Stimpson, RutgersIn this groundbreaking study, Ernest L. Boyer offers a new paradigm that recognizes the full range of scholarly activity by college and university faculty. He suggests that four general areas of Andeavor be viewed as scholarship: discovery, integration of knowledge, teaching, and serv

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